Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Brigette Bloom

Brigette Bloom is a photographer currently based in japan producing fine art pieces of work.
This image was made using instant film from a website called Impossible Project which would explain the super imposed look of the colour in the image. Most instant image cameras take images using flash however it looks like Bloom has relied on natural light. I think this because of the very deep and distinctive shadows behind the model. The model has been positioned in this image to look as if she is curling into a protective pose. I believe this because she is making herself very small and is hiding distinctive features. Another way to interpret this is that she would represent the flowing nature of the sea since as she is on a beach; her hair follows the draw back of the sea whilst her arms look like they have been washed up onto shore like drift wood.

 Instant film was also used for this image however it looks like something has been used on the film or it is very old because of the marks on either side of the image. If the film is old them it might be mold however because of the colour of them I would guess that they are actually salt crystals because mold would have more of a green tint. Bloom has used the models slender body very effectively; by stretching her midsection into a backwards ark she has defined the structure and created a lot of curves that wouldn't usually be visible. Lines have been created down the image and circles are present along the bottom which would suggest that some of the effects were created in camera. Previously Bloom has experimented with using chemicals like urine to change the properties of film which would explain my doubt that she hasnt done anything to this film.

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