Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Paul Himmel

Himmel is an american photographer born 1914-2009 who practiced fashion and documentary photography.
This image would have been taken on film due to the period Himmel practiced. I think that to make this image the light source would have had to have been behind the model in order for the models silhouette to have such a sharp edge but it would have to be strong enough to leak light around the models skinand create the silhouette. I think that this image was taken on film using a very fast ISO like 3200. I think that is the only way to create that amount of grain and create a large amount white.

  This image uses movement primarily. The model moving her arms in an upward and downwards motion has made her sleeve flick up into the air; which has created the look of wings. The model has been made to look angelic. The strong straight arms and pointed fingers suggests that the model has power possibly similar to an angel. The shadow on the underside of the hand and inside of the models body means the the light source would have bee on the right and just slightly behind the model.

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