This set of images is the safe bet just in case I cant get my multiple exposure images done in time. These are all strong images that are asexual so they don't suggest the sex of the model therefore it is unsexualised.
This last template is the strongest three images from all that I have taken in my opinion however the movement image looks out of place against the other two.
After measuring these images up on the wall it would be a very tight squeeze to fit any of the above templates. If the student next to me has work that is spread out then my work will look cramped.
After measuring the intended print size up against the proposed wall it
turns out that I won't be able to have three in a column because one
would be on the floor.
I feel that this template would look awkward because the two images above are collectively wider than the bottom image if it was to scale.
This is the only template that won't look awkward or squashed. It includes 2 of my favourite pieces and I think that they compliment each other especially if I can print them correctly. However I am determined to get my motion image into the show so I will have to ask, request and take any chance I can get to have that image included.
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