Thursday, 23 April 2015

Life on Sundays - Tumblr

Again I have found images on a Tumblr account so I have struggled to find out much information on the artist.
This image shows how hair can be used in the image to look very delicate and change the perception of the stance that the model has taken. her stance is very strong as if she was very confident however the stranding hair shows that she is actually delicate, this may suggest that even though the model might act strong she is actually quite emotional. The light across her skin and background is very soft suggesting that a soft box or diffusing lamp/light shade would have been used, this would explain how it looks like its shining at an angle from above the model. I think that this image was taken digitally. This would allow the photographer to take this image very easily with changing light. If the lighting was a light bulb the photographer would have had to use a high ISO to compensate for the lack of light; which would explain the amount of noise in the images.

This image is quite different to the previous image. It looks like the light source is natural light because the whole image is very bright and there is barely any grain. The depth of field is very narrow and only a small area of the models back is in focus. Fragmenting it to make the back and shoulder blades the focus of the image. There are no dark or black areas in the image; I think that this is so that we as the audience is capable of viewing and analysing the models back. I also believe that this image was taken digitally and then manipulated to greyscale which might have effected the contrast of the tones.

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