These images are from the account Chafographie on Tumblr so I was unable to find much information on this photographer.
This image is very similar to work I have produced before however the light has been used in the opposite way. Instead of white lines to define the models shape; the photographer has used shadow. The grey background also defines the lower back of the model since as it has been over exposed. The use of space defines the model and the detail of the tones across her skin. I think that only a couple of lights have been used, one for the background because of the shadow on the right and a single light with a directional reflector on the models lower back. I feel that this image could have been cropped in a little because the intensity of the tones around the bottom is not carried across to the other side of the model. The greys on the right really lets down the left. There is also a line in the lower left corner which I find very distracting so I would look to use an infinity curve studio if I was to improve this image.
This image has clearly used movement meaning that a long exposure would have to have been used. Considering that the exposure is very accurate. I think that the room may have been quite dark and a single light source was used from in front and to the right of the model. The model seems to have jumped up and flicked her head back, however there are defined lines where the models legs and arms have been which would suggest that the lighting is actually strobe lighting which highlights the models curvature. The light from the right creates strong shadows on the left of the models body which hides the face and the details of her body; so it appears to show the silhouette of her body, which stands out against the dull background. I also think that this image was taken on film because of the smoothness of the lines across the skin and the smoothness on the tones fading into the background.
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