Thursday, 23 April 2015

Life on Sundays - Tumblr

Again I have found images on a Tumblr account so I have struggled to find out much information on the artist.
This image shows how hair can be used in the image to look very delicate and change the perception of the stance that the model has taken. her stance is very strong as if she was very confident however the stranding hair shows that she is actually delicate, this may suggest that even though the model might act strong she is actually quite emotional. The light across her skin and background is very soft suggesting that a soft box or diffusing lamp/light shade would have been used, this would explain how it looks like its shining at an angle from above the model. I think that this image was taken digitally. This would allow the photographer to take this image very easily with changing light. If the lighting was a light bulb the photographer would have had to use a high ISO to compensate for the lack of light; which would explain the amount of noise in the images.

This image is quite different to the previous image. It looks like the light source is natural light because the whole image is very bright and there is barely any grain. The depth of field is very narrow and only a small area of the models back is in focus. Fragmenting it to make the back and shoulder blades the focus of the image. There are no dark or black areas in the image; I think that this is so that we as the audience is capable of viewing and analysing the models back. I also believe that this image was taken digitally and then manipulated to greyscale which might have effected the contrast of the tones.

Chafographie - Tumblr

These images are from the account Chafographie on Tumblr so I was unable to find much information on this photographer.

This image is very similar to work I have produced before however the light has been used in the opposite way. Instead of white lines to define the models shape; the photographer has used shadow. The grey background also defines the lower back of the model since as it has been over exposed. The use of space defines the model and the detail of the tones across her skin. I think that only a couple of lights have been used, one for the background because of the shadow on the right and a single light with a directional reflector on the models lower back. I feel that this image could have been cropped in a little because the intensity of the tones around the bottom is not carried across to the other side of the model. The greys on the right really lets down the left. There is also a line in the lower left corner which I find very distracting so I would look to use an infinity curve studio if I was to improve this image.

This image has clearly used movement meaning that a long exposure would have to have been used. Considering that the exposure is very accurate. I think that the room may have been quite dark and a single light source was used from in front and to the right of the model. The model seems to have jumped up and flicked her head back, however there are defined lines where the models legs and arms have been which would suggest that the lighting is actually strobe lighting which highlights the models curvature. The light from the right creates strong shadows on the left of the models body which hides the face and the details of her body; so it appears to show the silhouette of her body, which stands out against the dull background. I also think that this image was taken on film because of the smoothness of the lines across the skin and the smoothness on the tones fading into the background. 

Friday, 17 April 2015


My interest for this assignment is the female form. I have explored this subject in a previous project, however I wish to modify the type of work I have already produced so I will have to research practitioners that allow me to adapt my own work to be stronger. It might prove difficult to find models which I photographed last time I ventured into this subject, although I am more confident to ask people now as I have examples of the images I want to produce so that they won’t jump to conclusions. I am going to extend my previous project by using light and the camera in different ways and placing the models in unique positions that highlights their body parts to create interesting shapes.

I am going to photograph in black and white for this subject. The black and white shows sophistication to the image and continues an old tradition that black and white can only be fine art photography. I shall be shooting in medium format due to the quality it provides, however it is costly due to only being able to capture 16 images on my Bronica ETRS. Shooting on 35mm will provide manoeuvrability and is cost effective as 36 images are capable, however quality will be greatly reduced, which is vital for creating crisp prints; this is something that I am striving for.

I intend to produce large-scale prints however I also think that these images would look very effective in a book. This is because viewing them in a book is very personal and sometimes people feel awkward with this subject. A book provides them the method to privately view the work in their own time.

As I have photographed the female form before and struggled to find models I know that this will be a challenge that I will have to overcome. I will be photographing in studios, which is easy to cater as I have home studio equipment and a studio in college that I can book out. As well as a protected environment for the model, the studio will also allow me to control the lighting accurately. I also intend to use film so I will need access to film development chemicals and potentially the darkroom, although I could scan my negatives and work digitally from then on.

I will need to research more practitioners who photograph the nude and female form so that I can explore new techniques and styles, I will access this information on websites like Pinterest and personal websites of the practitioners. I may also look at books, which might give me more detailed information. I will also need to plan lighting accurately and experiment with lighting to produce more stimulating images.

As I have previously produced work, I have already got some research completed, which will allow me to start photographing almost immediately. I will then complete other research at times when models are not available, which I will use to refine and develop my ideas further.

I will determine the success of my work using a critique and continuous evaluations of the images I am producing. Then I will be able to act on the feedback and improve the work I have produced. This project will be marked against unit 6 and unit 7.

Week-by-week plan

Week 1Start assignment; write proposal, final decision on subject
Week 2Initial research of practitioners; start to find models
Week 3Start shooting and continue model search, artist research and plan photo shoot in the meantime.
Week 4More photo shoots, continue model search, evaluate previous shoots and develop, artist research in meantime
Week 5More photo shoots, continue model search, evaluate previous shoots and develop, artist research in meantime
Week 6More photo shoots, model search if necessary, evaluate previous shoots and develop, artist research in meantime
Week 7 – Half term, more photo shoots if necessary, evaluate previous shoots and develop, artist research in meantime
Week 8Last photo shoots if necessary, get finals printed, critique on Friday, artist research in meantime
Week 9 – Frame final pieces, final piece to be handed in on Friday
Week 10FMP show on Monday, finish artist researches
Week 11Finish organisation of sketchbook/blog, final sketchbook/blog hand in date on Friday
Week 12End of college on Friday